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Vastu tips for kitchen to boost positive energy

by Muskaan Jain, 29 Dec 2022
  1. Best location of kitchen based on Vastu: Southeast or Northwest: Southeast or Northwest is considered the best location to set up your home kitchen. When cooking was done on woodfired stoves earlier, these corners were most preferred since hot winds, blowing from S-W to N-E direction, could not cause damage to the house by fire. The South-East corner is also considered the best since the element of fire governs this direction.
  2. Cooking should be done facing the East. With women spending their entire day in the kitchen and losing out on sun exposure and Vitamin D, this direction was thought to be ideal to soak up the beneficial rays of the sun.
  3. Cooking Hob and Sink shouldn’t be placed together. The general belief is that fire and water are two opposing forces and do not work together.
  4. Since the kitchen is all about freshness and purity, white is the Vastu color for the kitchen. However, it is advised that you do not go over when it comes to painting your kitchen white. Other colors that make ideal options for the Vastu Shastra kitchen are yellow, green, and orange as these are associated with the fire element. You can color the kitchen ceiling white in order to have a balance.
  5. Do not keep knives and scissors in the open as they symbolize a threat to relationships among family members and friends.
  6. Never have your shoe rack placed close to your kitchen.
  7. Store grains and daily items in the southwest direction for good luck.
  8. If you want to have a refrigerator in the kitchen, then make sure it is placed in the southwest direction.
  9. The kitchen should never face the entryway of your house.

The utensils in your kitchen are best cleaned at the end of the day.